• January 28, 2023

    Delaware Democratic Party Statement on the Killing of Tyre Nichols

    Press Release
     Delaware Democratic Party Statement on the Killing of Tyre Nichols
    NEW CASTLE – In response to the killing of Tyre Nichols and the charging of the five former police officers who beat him to death, the Delaware Democratic Party issued the following statement:

    “Tyre Nichols should be alive today, plain and simple. Our hearts break for his family and friends, who now join the unnecessarily long list of Black communities forced to attend tragically premature funerals due to police violence.
  • October 08, 2022

    Delaware Democratic Party Statement on Vote by Mail Decision

    Press Release
    Delaware Democratic Party Statement on Vote by Mail Decision
    Delaware Democratic Party Chair Betsy Maron has issued the following statement in response to the Delaware Supreme Court ruling in favor of the DEGOP's challenge to vote by mail and same-day voter registration.
    "This decision has placed renewed emphasis on just what is at stake in this election. One party wants Delawareans to be able to vote and the other does not. It is that simple.
  • September 15, 2022

    Chair Maron issues Statement on Republican-led efforts to overturn vote by mail

    Press Release

    Democratic Party Chair Statement on Vote by Mail Litigation

    Delaware Democratic Party Chair, Betsy Maron has issued the following statement on Republican-led vote by mail litigation 

    "The extended controversy over Vote by Mail is a disappointing reminder that Republican attacks on the electoral process are active and ongoing, even in Delaware. We have seen it all over the country as Republicans have thrown up increasingly burdensome barriers to the ballot box, all under the guise of 'election integrity.' 

  • September 13, 2022

    Democratic Party Chair Statement on 2022 State Primary Results

    Press Release

    Delaware Democratic Party Chair, Betsy Maron has issued the following statement on Tuesday night’s State Primary Results

    “First and foremost I am glad that our party finally has a complete slate of nominees and an all-female statewide ticket. Primaries are an important part of the electoral process that stimulate healthy discourse within our party. They determine the kind of party we want to be and offer a chance to make renewed commitments to our shared values, from the bottom up not the top down.

  • July 27, 2022

    Delaware Democratic Party announces statewide endorsement slate, including Auditor challenger Lydia York

    Press Release

    Delaware Democratic Party announces statewide endorsement slate, including Auditor challenger Lydia York

    Last night, the Delaware Democratic Party’s State Executive Committee convened to consider endorsements for Statewide candidates. After hearing from present candidates, the 25-person body unanimously endorsed in the races for U.S. House, Attorney General, State Treasurer, and Auditor of Accounts. Endorsement results were as follows

  • Juneteenth
    June 19, 2022

    Juneteenth 2022 Message from DelDems


    Today our nation is celebrating Juneteenth, commemorating June 19, 1865, when Union soldiers carried the news of the Emancipation Proclamation to the last of the enslaved people in Galveston, Texas telling them that they had been freed from slavery. 

    I cannot imagine hearing that news and not knowing what to do, where to live, how to earn, or my family’s newfound rights under the law.