Every year following a Presidential Election the Delaware Democratic Party reorganizes each level of its local party infrastructure. The four-year terms of District, County, and State committee members and leadership expire in 2025 and their positions are up for re-election.
The party reorganizes from the bottom up beginning with District Committee reorganization meetings in early 2025, followed by County Conventions in Winter and Spring, and culminating in the Democratic State Convention on June 21, 2025.
Delaware Democratic Party Rules require that all Committee Members and Officers be elected to a four-year term in the year following a presidential election. During this process, which takes place over six months the entire Delaware Democratic Party's structure is reorganized.

The Delaware Democratic Party is made up of a series of governing committees. The most localized State Party unit is the local District Level Committee. There is one committee for each State House and Wilmington City Council District. The members of these committees advocate for Democrats in their district. At the next level of the Delaware Democratic Party are the Subdivision Committees. There is a Subdivision Committee for each of Delaware's three counties and the City of Wilmington. The Subdivision Committees are governed by a County/City Executive Committee made up of the Subdivision Chair, local District Chairs, and other Subdivision Officers. The highest-ranking committee is the State Executive Committee, which is the Party's statewide governing body. This Committee is led by the State Party Chair and is made up of State Vice Chairs, Subdivision Chairs, Subdivision Treasurers, and other state officers.
The members of these committees serve as representatives of and advocates for the Democratic Party in their communities. Responsibilities vary by committee but common duties include
- Attending monthly meetings
- Volunteering on local Democratic campaigns
- Organizing get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts ahead of and on Election Day
- Planning community events and fundraisers
- Conducting outreach to newly registered Democrats
- Voting on matters brought before the committee, like endorsements, expenditures, and other initiatives
- Recruiting Democratic challengers to run against incumbent Republicans
- Talking with other local Democrats about the party's platform and its candidates
- Monitoring local political activity
- Playing an active role in the local community
Party Reorganization is the process used to form these committees and elect officers.
Local District Committee Reorganization
Party reorganization begins at the local district committee level. The terms of all District Committee members will be complete and their seats will be up for re-election. Any qualified Democrat residing in the district is eligible to fill these Committee Member positions. The baseline requirement is that committee members must live in the district and can not have been registered members of another political party within the last year. Any resident Democrat may attend and vote at their district's Reorganization Meeting.
The Subdivision Committees set the deadline for when Districts must hold their Reorganization Meeting
- Sussex County - During the month of January or February
- New Castle County - On or before March 3, 2025
- City of Wilmington - On or before April 4, 2025
- Kent County - Within the first four months of 2025
As Reorganization Meetings are scheduled they will appear on the State Party's Upcoming Events page.
Subdivision Committee Reorganization
Following the election of the district-level committee members each Subdivision elects their County/City Party Officers. These elections are held at a Subdivision level Convention or Caucus where the district committee members vote on County/City Party leadership. Generally, leadership is made up of a Chair, two Vice Chairs, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and At-Large State Exec. member(s).
The resident District Committee Members make up the voting body of the Subdivision Convention.
The timing of Subdivision Conventions is determined by the County/City Party Rules
- Kent County Democratic Convention - February 15, 2025
- Sussex County Democratic Convention - March 2025
- New Castle County Democratic Convention - April 2025
- City of Wilmington Democratic Convention - April 2025
As Subdivision Conventions are scheduled they will appear on the State Party's Upcoming Events page.
Democratic State Convention
The Delaware Democratic Party reorganization process culminates in the 2025 Democratic State Convention on June 21, 2025 in Dover. There are four major agenda items at the State Convention
- Election of State Party Officers
- Report from the Platform Committee
- Report from the Resolutions Committee
- Report(s) from the Rules Committee
The voting body of the Democratic State Convention is made up of delegates from each of the 41 State House Districts. Committee members do not automatically become delegates to the State Convention. Delegates are allocated based on each district’s “Composite Democratic Strength”. The Composite Democratic Strength of a district is determined based on Democratic registration and the total votes received by all statewide candidates in the district.
In 2025 there are a total of 420 State Convention Delegates distributed across the 41 State House Districts. Each district is also allocated up to five delegate alternates. A full listing of delegate allocations is available at the bottom of this page.
- New Castle County - 222 Delegates
- City of Wilmington - 38 Delegates
- Kent County - 71 Delegates
- Sussex County - 89 Delegates
State Convention Delegates will be elected by the District Committes in March of 2025. As Delegate Selection Meetings are scheduled they will appear on the State Party's Upcoming Events page.
Supporting Documents