Stay involved with the Delaware Democrats by attending an event. Our events are regularly posted here, on our website, or you can stay involved by becoming a supporter of ours on Mobilize.
Have an event you’d like to add? Fill out the form here.
6th Ward Democratic Committee Reorganization Meeting
14th Rep. District Committee Meeting and DSC Delegate Election
28th Rep. District Democratic Committee Meeting
This is the regularly scheduled monthly meeting for the 28th Rep. District Committee.
2025 Delaware Democratic Platform Committee Kickoff
Delaware Democrats PRIDE Caucus Monthly Meeting
Delaware Democrats PRIDE Caucus Monthly Meeting
Please register using the Mobilize link:
deldems/event/716232/ City of Wilmington 5th Ward Leadership Election
For additional information and to attend this event, please register on Mobilize.
After a successful reorganization, the 5th Ward will be meeting to hold leadership elections for Chair, Vice-Chair, and secretary as well as to start planning for the year ahead. For Zoom information, please register for the meeting by using this event page.
8th & 9th Rep. District Committees DSC Delegate Selection Meeting
Wilmington 3rd Ward Committee Meeting
Monthly Meeting for 3rd Ward Members. Meeting is held virtually on the third Saturday of each month.
To attend, please contact Ward Chair Andre Harris at
26th District Committee Monthly Meeting
This meeting will be held virtually via zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Delaware Democrats State Convention
3. Legislative Discussion
4. The ACLU Know Your Rights Campaign
5. Resumption of In-Person
6. Proposal for a Discussion Board (e.g., Slack for RD 26)
7. 26th District Policy Interest and Engagement Survey
8. New Business & Open Discussion
27th RD Committee Meeting and State Convention Delegate Election
This is a notice for the monthly meeting of the Delaware27th RD Democratic Committee meeting. The meetings are open to all Delaware Democrats. At this meeting the committee will elect delegates to the 2025 Democratic State Convention. All registered Democrats residing in the 27th RD who have not been registered in another party in the past year are eligible to serve. Please contact the chair (Stephanie Wagner) at if you would like to attend or have any questions.
26th Rep. District Committee Meeting and DSC Delegate Election
The 26th Rep. District Committee will elect its State Convention Delegates at this meeting. These delegates will go on to vote at the 2025 Democratic State Convention (DSC) on June 21. Any registered Democrat who resides in District 26 and has not been a registered member of another political party within the past year is eligible to serve as a State Convention Delegate. The District Committee may also elect up to 5 Alternates.
To RSVP visit
31st Rep District Democratic Committee Meeting
Regular monthly meeting of the 31st RD Committee.
RD 4 Democrat Meeting & Delegate Selection
Monthly meeting with updates and Democratic candidate speakers and Democratic functions
7th Rep. District Committee DSC Delegate Selection Meeting
RD7 Democratic Committee Delegates Election Meeting
This calendar invite serves as notice that the 7th RD Democratic Committee will hold a Delegates Election meeting. The committee will hold an election to select 11 members to attend DSP Convention and 4 members will serve as alternates.
Reminder: The RD meetings are open to all registered Democrats. Guests must RSVP by emailing their request for the zoom credentials to Do not share the zoom credentials.
Reminder: You will receive and agenda and minutes prior to the meeting.
Wilmington RD Committee Reorganization Meeting
RD7 Democratic Committee Meeting and DSP Convention Delegates Election
This is notice that the 7th RD Democratic Committee will hold its monthly meeting and Elect Delegates and Alternates for the DSP Convention. Delegates and alternates shall be registered Democrats and reside in the applicable Representative District at the time of their election and shall not have been registered as a member of another political party for one year prior to their election. The meeting is open to registered Delaware Democrats. The meeting will be via Zoom.
New Castle County Democratic Committee Meeting
20th Rep. District Committee Meeting and DSC Delegate Election