Thank you to all of our 2023-2024 Chair's Club members for your unwavering support of the Delaware Democratic Party:
Diamond State Tier
- Carper for Delaware
- Chris Coons for Delaware
- Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate
- Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long
- Delaware Senate Majority Caucus
- Delaware House Democrats
- BioTek Remedys Inc.
- Delaware Trial Lawyers Association
- Westport Maven Group, LLC
- Young Conaway Stargett & Taylor. LLP
Gold Tier
- Friends of Kathy Jennings
- Navarro for Insurance Commissioner
- Friends of Sarah McBride
- People for Purzycki
- AFSCME Council 81
- Amazon
- Delmarva Power
- Delaware State Education Association
- Everytown for Gun Safety
- Collin O'Mara
If you're interested in supporting the Delaware Democratic Party as one of our premier sponsors, please call Executive Director Tavis Williams at (302) 328-9036.