City Chair Cassandra Marshall's Statement on the Passing of Former City Council Member Rysheema Dixon
Press ReleaseWilmington Democratic Chair Statement on Passing of Rysheema Dixon
Wilmington Democratic Chair Statement on Passing of Rysheema Dixon
Delaware Democratic Party Chair, Betsy Maron has issued the following statement on Republican-led vote by mail litigation
"The extended controversy over Vote by Mail is a disappointing reminder that Republican attacks on the electoral process are active and ongoing, even in Delaware. We have seen it all over the country as Republicans have thrown up increasingly burdensome barriers to the ballot box, all under the guise of 'election integrity.'
Delaware Democratic Party Chair, Betsy Maron has issued the following statement on Tuesday night’s State Primary Results
“First and foremost I am glad that our party finally has a complete slate of nominees and an all-female statewide ticket. Primaries are an important part of the electoral process that stimulate healthy discourse within our party. They determine the kind of party we want to be and offer a chance to make renewed commitments to our shared values, from the bottom up not the top down.
Delaware Democratic Party announces statewide endorsement slate, including Auditor challenger Lydia York
Last night, the Delaware Democratic Party’s State Executive Committee convened to consider endorsements for Statewide candidates. After hearing from present candidates, the 25-person body unanimously endorsed in the races for U.S. House, Attorney General, State Treasurer, and Auditor of Accounts. Endorsement results were as follows
New Castle, DE - Delaware Democratic Party Chair Betsy Maron released the following statement in reaction to the Kathy McGuiness verdict
Thursday, June 23, 2022
53 Democratic State Parties Issue Statement on Leaked SCOTUS Intent to Overturn Roe v. Wade
Last night, a draft opinion circulated indicating the Supreme Court’s intent to overturn Roe v. Wade. Given the additional powers this anticipated decision will yield to state and territorial legislatures, the listed State Parties, representing almost all of the states and territories of the nation, signed on to jointly offer the following statement:
Saturday, October 9, 2021 — During today’s virtual meeting of the Democratic National Committee, five Delawareans were nominated and approved to serve as at-large DNC members: Dr.