• October 28, 2015

    Democratic National Committee Approves Delaware Delegate Selection Plan

    Press Release
    NEW CASTLE - On Thursday June 11, 2015, after a month long public comment period, the Delaware Democratic Party’s State Executive Committee unanimously approved the 2016 Delaware Delegate Selection Plan. The plan was then sent to the Democratic National Committee, who gave the plan final approval on October 21, 2015. The plan will be used to select Delaware’s delegation for the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
  • October 21, 2015

    State Party Chairman Issues Statement on Vice President Biden’s Decision

    Press Release

    "The Delaware Democratic Party completely supports the Vice President. Though many of us would have welcomed his presidential bid, we know that Joe has made the right decision for himself and his family.  Delaware Democrats will continue to support and praise his accomplishments; past, present and future.”

    Chairman John D. Daniello 

  • June 02, 2015

    Foundation created in memory of Beau Biden

    Press Release

    Hallie Biden, widow of former Attorney General Beau Biden, announced the founding of the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children. The foundation will work to continue the work done by Biden during his tenure as Delaware’s Attorney General, where he put an emphasis on bringing child predators to justice. Visit: https://delcf.org/biden/