Delaware Democrats Elect National Convention Delegation
Press ReleaseDelaware Democrats Elect National Convention Delegation
NEW CASTLE - On Saturday, May 7, Democrats from across the State of Delaware gathered in Dover to elect the State’s National Convention Delegation.
State Caucus Delegates from the Party’s four subdivisions (New Castle, Kent, Sussex, and Wilmington) elected individuals to represent their region at the National Convention, in Philadelphia. These Subdivision Level National Delegates then elected the state’s remaining pledged delegation.
The state’s unpledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates did not play a role in selecting Delaware National Convention Delegation.
Delaware’s Pledged National Convention Delegation is made up of:
14 subdivision-level: Italo Carrieri-Russo, Catherine Ciferni, Mitch Crane, Jeff Day, Douglas Drummond, Sean Finnigan, Margaret Fuller, Courtney McGregor, Betsy Maron, Colby Owens, Erik Raser-Schramm, Janet Selden, Glen Schmiesing, and Sandy Taylor.
2 Pledged PLEO Delegates: Senate President Pro Tem Patricia Blevins and Donna Whiteside
5 At-Large Delegates: Rep. Debra Heffernan, Christofer Johnson, Terri McIvor, Mona Parikh, and Lydia York
2 At-Large Alternates: Maria Cabrera and Jonathan Kirch