Event Information

To register to attend this event, please sign up via our event page on Mobilize.

At this meeting, the 6th, 7th, and 10th Rep. Districts will reorganize their Democratic Committees. The terms of all current District Committee members are complete and all seats will be up for re-election. New members are encouraged to join. Any registered Democrat who resides in the 6th, 7th, or 10th Rep. District, has resided in the state of Delaware for at least one year, and has not been a member of another political party for at least one year is eligible to join their respective District Committee.

If you're interested or have any questions, please contact current RD Chairs: RD 6 Chair Joanne Finnigan (jcfinnigan@aol.com), RD 7 Chair Asia Smith-Aidoo (rd7committee@gmail.com), or RD 10 Chair Stephen Ottinger (s.ottinger@gmail.com)

If you're not sure which Rep. District you live in please visit (ivote.de.gov).


Address: Claymont Community Center Longwood Conference Room|3301 Green St, DE 19703