Interns Wanted
The Delaware Democratic Party is seeking enthusiastic, ambitious, and responsible interns. This program provides interns with an opportunity to learn internal party operations, including campaign strategy and research, constituent relations, event planning, candidate support, data management, and message development. Interns would work out of State Party Headquarters alongside party staff and would have a chance to meet and work with party leaders, public officials, and candidates.
General Responsibilities:
Administrative Support - Interns will assist State Party Staff in day-to-day operations of State Party Headquarters.
Technology/Data Support - Interns are asked to assist in managing and State Party databases and other digital resources.
Policy/Campaign Research - Interns may be tasked with researching potential policies and campaign strategies.
Public Relations - Interns would be a part of the State Party’s outward facing image, greeting building visitors, fielding constituent phone calls, and engaging voters and candidates.
Interns will work primarily at State Party Headquarters in New Castle during normal business hours, with the exception of some night and weekend commitments. Internships are unpaid but may be taken for college credit, depending on the number of hours worked. Students may set up a flexible but regular schedule to accommodate classes and other commitments.
Priority will be given to candidates who:
Major in Political Science, Communications and Marketing, however, all major will be given consideration
Have a great interest in the political process and public service, particularly in Delaware.
Are currently in the Junior or Senior year of their studies.
To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to:
The Delaware Democratic Party
P.O. Box 2065
Wilmington, DE 19899
In your cover letter, please elaborate on why you are interested in interning with the Delaware Democratic Party, any particular areas you would like to focus on, and highlight any special skill you feel may help you during the internship. Please indicate whether you intend to take this internship for credit and how many hours per week you would need to work.