State Convention Delegate Selection: New Castle County
Throughout the month of April, New Castle County Democrats will be electing its delegates to the 2017 Democratic State Convention. At the State Convention Delegates will elect new State Party Leadership and vote on a State Party Platform. New Castle County has been allocated a maximum of 300 delegates, dived up amongst the county's 21 Representative Districts. Delegates will be elected at the Rep. District Meetings listed below.
4th Rep. District (17 Delegates)
Monday, April 10
7:00pm at Gallucio's Restaurant
5th Rep. District (18 Delegates)
Wednesday, April 19
6:00pm at Delaware Democratic Party Headquarters
6th Rep. District (16 Delegates)
Monday, April 17
7:00pm at the Brandywine Hundred Fire Co.
7th Rep. District (16 Delegates)
Monday April 10
7:00pm at Harry's Savoy Grill
8th (15 Del.) and 9th (14 Del.) Rep. Districts
Thursday, April 6
7:30pm at the M.O.T. Senior Center
10th Rep. District (14 Delegates
Monday, April 17
7:00pm at Shipley Manor
12th Rep. District (15 Delegates)
Wednesday, April 12
7:00pm at Cooke Elementary School
11th Rep. District (10 Delegates)
Saturday, April 22
2:00pm at La Matesina
13th Rep. District (15 Delegates)
Wednesday April 19
6:00pm at The Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall
15th Rep. District (18 Delegates)
Wednesday, April 12
7:00pm at Delaware Democratic Party Headquarters
16th Rep. District (18 Delegates)
Thursday, April 13
7:00pm at the Garfield Park P.A.L. Center
17th Rep. District (16 Delegates)
Thursday, April 20
6:00pm at Delaware Democratic Party Headquarters
18th Rep. District (15 Delegates)
Wednesday, April 12
6:30pm at Delaware Democratic Party Headquarters
19th Rep. District (14 Delegates)
Monday, April 17
6:00pm at the Old Newport Town Hall
21st Rep. District (14 Delegates)
Monday, April 10
7:00pm at Limestone Presbyterian Church
22nd Rep. District (14 Delegates)
Thursday, April 13
7:30pm at McGlynns in Pike Creek
23rd, 25th, 26th, and 27th Rep. Districts
Monday, April 17
7:00pm at the New Castle County Conservation Building
24th Rep. District (15 Delegates)
Monday, April 10
7:00pm in the Kirk Middle School Library